Harvard Managementor In Brief – Summary


Harvard Managementor 是公司之前所购买的一套管理学教程。这套教程覆盖日常管理的各个方面,涵括培训、沟通、激励、评估考核等等内容,对每一个专题都有十分详尽的解说。

其实自己更加推崇的是这套教程亦为没有时间详细阅读与学习的人群提供了 In Brief 缩略版的教程及其录音。这些缩略版的教程本身用词精准也简明扼要,自己一直都想把其中的要点整理出来便于记忆。


Office Tools


Budgeting 预算控制

  • Look at what you have spent to forecast what you will spend. 根据过往消费来预测预算。
  • Budget translates strategic plan into measurable expenditures and anticipated returns. 预算将策略计划转换为可评估的支出与预期收入。
  • Budgeting should include contingency planning and looking beyond a narrow financial focus. 预算控制应该将紧急情况纳入考虑,并着眼财政以外的方面。
  • The challenge in budgeting is to make the right tradeoffs among four interrelated perspectives: (1) Finance (2) Customers (3) Internal (4) Innovation and Improvement. 预算控制中最困难的部分在于需要在四个相互关联的方面做出正确的妥协:(1)财政(2)顾客(3)内部组织(4)创新与改进。


Business Case Development 准备商业个案

  1. Define the problem or opportunity. 确定问题或机会。
  2. Identify and analyze alternatives. 辨明并分析不同选项。
  3. Present your final recommendations to key stakeholders. 将最终确定的推荐方案呈现给主要利益相关者。


Business Plan Development 准备商业方案

  • Customizing a business plan needs to answer three questions: 定制商业方案时需要考虑的三个问题:
    1. Who is the audience for the business plan? 谁是商业方案的受众?
    2. What does this audience want to know? 这些受众需要知会何事?
    3. What do I want from this audience? 我需要这些受众的何种投入?
  • Five steps to write a business plan: 撰写商业方案的五个步骤:
    1. Ensure your plan makes a positive initial impression. 确保方案有良好的第一印象。
    2. Spend time on your mission statement. 花时间考虑使命陈述。
    3. Describe the business opportunity from the point of view of the customer. 从顾客出发来描述商机。
    4. Define the size of the market or the potential impact of your idea. 界定市场的大小,或想法的潜在影响。
    5. Show the path forward — how you propose to turn your idea into reality. 展示前行的方向——如何将想法转换为现实。


Career Management 职业规划

  1. Assess your work interests, values, and skills. 明确自身的工作兴趣、价值观以及能力。
  2. Explore a variety of job options. 寻求可供选择的职位选项。
  3. Pursue the opportunities you identify as best for you. 追寻最适合自身的机会。


Change Management 变化管理

  1. Mobilizing energy and commitment. 动员他人的精力与责任感。
  2. Creating short-term wins. 创造短期收益。
  3. Institutionalizing success. 将成功制度化。


Coaching 指导

  • Coaching needs to answer three questions: 指导需要考虑的三个问题:
    1. Why do you need to coach? Coaching is about improved performance and better results. 为何进行指导?指导与更高效的表现与更优质的成果息息相关。
    2. Who among your employees are potential candidates for coaching? Look for individuals who know they have a skill gap and are motivated to improve. 雇员中谁是适合的指导人选?寻找明白自身有能力差距并希望能在方面有所改进的雇员。
    3. How should you coach? 如何指导?
  • Coaching is a process with four distinct phases: 指导是分四个不同阶段的过程:
    1. Observation. 观察。
    2. Initial conversation. 初始对话。
    3. Ongoing discussions. 持续讨论。
    4. Follow-up. 跟进。


Crisis Management 危机处理

  1. Perform a crisis audit. 进行危机评估
  2. Prepare a contingency plan. 准备后备方案。
  3. Recognize a crisis situation. 承认危机发生。
  4. Contain it. 接受危机。
  5. Resolve it. 解决危机。
  6. Learn from it. 从中吸取教训。


Customer Focus 顾客专注

  1. Some of your current customers may not be right for your company. 有些目前的顾客并非适合公司。
  2. Do what you need to do to make sure your employees are satisfied and productive. 尽力保持员工的满意度与效率。
  3. Look hard at exactly what you offer to customers and how they value your offerings. 尽力完善向顾客提供的服务或产品,并了解顾客如何看待它们。
  4. Remember that target customers are moving targets. 牢记目标顾客不断改变。


Decision Making 作出抉择 

  1. Frame the issue well. 合理界定问题。
  2. Engage people with diverse perspectives. 与不同背景的人交流。
  3. Recognize and remove biases. 确认并移除个人偏见。
  4. Promote a fair process. 提供合适的过程。
  5. Communicate the decision. 公布决定。


Delegation 委托

  1. Choose tasks to delegate. 选择合适的任务进行委托。
  2. Match each task to the right person. 将任务委托给合适人选。
  3. Communicate the assignment. 沟通任务。
  4. Provide support and feedback. 提供支持与反馈。


Developing Employees 发展员工

  1. Differentiate your employees. 区分不同员工。
  2. Prepare for a career development. 为职业发展做准备。
  3. Work with each individual to develop a unique employee development plan. 与每个员工一起发展其职业规划。


Difficult Interaction 交流困难

  1. Assess the facts. 讨论事实。
  2. Acknowledge and address powerful emotions. 明白并认可情绪波动。
  3. Handle threats to self-image. 处理对个人形象的影响。


Dismissing an Employee 解雇员工

  1. Know when it’s legally permissible to dismiss an employee — and when it isn’t. 明白何时才能合法解雇员工——以及何时非法。
  2. Conduct the dismissal meeting skillfully. 巧妙地举行解雇会议。
  3. Lead the team effectively following the dismissal. 有效管理解雇后的剩余团队。


Diversity 多样性

  • How to recruit diverse candidates: 如何招聘多样的员工:
    1. Think about how people in the groups you want to target generally gather information and news. 思考目标人群是如何收集信息的。
    2. Ask coworkers and friends if they know qualified individuals who fit your desired profile. 询问同事或朋友是否有认识适合目标要求的人群。
    3. Convince them that candidates are making the right choice in joining your organization. 说服他们加入公司是正确的决定。
  • How to reap the benefits promised by diverse teams: 如何从多样的队伍中获得收益:
    1. Foster an inclusive environment, where managers welcome the many differences that distinguish their employees. 创造包容环境,其中经理们能容纳员工中不同的差异。
    2. Leverage those differences to define new goals, improve processes, and boost team productivity. 利用这种差异来确立新目标、优化过程、提升团队效率。


Feedback Essentials 反馈概要

  1. Decide whether to give feedback. 决定是否需要提供反馈。
  2. Determine when to deliver it. 定下反馈时机。
  3. Prepare. 准备。
  4. Focus the feedback on the employee’s behavior. 专注员工的行为(而非个性)。
  5. Involve the employee in creating an improvement plan. 与员工共同制定改善计划。


Finance Essentials 财务概要

  • Three cooperate statements: 三种企业报表:
    1. Income statement: shows profit or loss. 收入报表:展示企业盈亏。
    2. Balance sheet:  shows everything a company owns and owes. 余额报表:展示企业拥有与亏欠的资产。
    3. Cash flow statement:  shows the flow of cash in, through, and out of the company. 现金流报表:展示现金流如何进入、通过、离开企业。
  • How to develop a budget: 如何制定预算:
    1. Set goals. 建立目标。
    2. Define scope. 明确范围。
    3. Articulate assumptions. 提出可能性。
    4. Quantify those assumptions. 考察不同可能性。
    5. Build the budget. 制定预算。


Goal Setting 制定目标

  1. Prioritize goals. 把目标放在首要位置。
  2. Maximize the group’s success in reaching goals. 最大化团队在达成目标时的成功。
  3. Learn from their goal-setting efforts. 从制定目标的过程中吸取经验。


Hiring 雇佣

  1. Prepare for the interview. 准备面试。
  2. Pose what-if scenarios. 问“如果……的话怎么办”。
  3. Avoid common interviewing mistakes. 避免常见的面试错误。


Innovation and Creativity 创新与创意

  1. Add intellectual diversity to the team. 为团队增添多样的知识。
  2. Identify an opportunity for innovation. 辨明创新的时机。
  3. Generate different approaches. 寻找不同的方法。
  4. Consider the options. 考虑各种可能。
  5. Converge on a solution. 得出解决方案。


Innovation Implementation 实现创新

  1. Cultivating a support network. 培养周围的支持人际关系。
  2. Overcoming resistance. 克服困难。


Laying Off Employees 裁员

  1. User right criteria to decide whom to lay off. 使用正确的标准来判断需要裁员的员工。
  2. Communicate the decision skillfully to affected employees. 有技巧地将裁员决定知会受影响的员工。
  3. Secure survivors’ commitment to the company following a layoff. 确保裁员后余下员工的责任感。


Leading and Motivating 领导与激励

  1. Understanding what it means to lead. 明白领导的意义。
  2. Learning how to motivate people to follow your vision. 学习如何激励人们追随你的脚步。
  3. Finding ways to practice leadership. 使用不同途径来练习领导能力。


Managing Upward 管理上级

  1. Understand your boss. 了解上级。
  2. Negotiate priorities strategically. 使用策略来交代轻重缓急。
  3. Communicate effectively about problems. 高效交流问题。


Marketing Essentials 市场营销概要

  1. Focus on your customers. 专注于顾客。
  2. Understand why your customers value your offering. 明白顾客为何需要你的产品或服务。
  3. As an organization, speak with one voice to customers. 作为一个整体向顾客进行沟通。
  4. Use one-to-one marketing to build strong partnerships with your customers. 使用一对一市场营销来打造与顾客间的强有力关系。


Meeting Management 会议管理

  1. Know when to call meetings. 明白何时需要开会。
  2. Prepare well for meetings. 充分准备会议。
  3. Use established ground rules. 建立一些基本规则。
  4. Intervene during meetings. 介入会议。
  5. Follow-up after meetings. 会议后跟进。


Negotiating 谈判

  1. Decide what you will do if the negotiation falls through. 确定谈判失败时的方案。
  2. Identify your walk-away price and the area of possible agreement. 明确心理底线以及可浮动的范围。
  3. Look for opportunities to create value. 寻找创造价值的机会。


New Manager Transition 接手经理工作

  1. Balance conflicting expectations. 平衡他人相互冲突的期待。
  2. Build networks outside your group. 在团队以外建立人际关系。
  3. Frame problems from an organizational perspective. 从组织的层面上界定问题。
  4. Measure your success by your group’s success. 用团队的成功来衡量自己的成功。
  5. Learn to cope with stressful new emotions. 学习如何处理新的压力情绪。


Performance Appraisal 表现评估

  1. Setting goals. 设立目标。
  2. Reviewing performance periodically. 定期回顾表现。
  3. Addressing performance problems. 提出表现中的问题。
  4. Holding annual performance appraisals. 每年进行表现评估。


Performance Measurement 表现衡量

  1. Deciding what to measure. 决定该衡量哪些方面。
  2. Setting targets and collecting data. 制定目标,收集数据。
  3. Assessing performance against metrics. 根据标准来衡量表现。


Persuading Others 劝说他人

  1. Building your credibility. 建立个人信任。
  2. Winning others’ minds and hearts. 让他人心悦诚服。
  3. Overcoming resistance to your ideas. 克服想法当中所遇到的困难。


Presentation Skills 演讲技巧

  1. Prepare. 准备。
    1. Define your objective and audience. 确定目标与受众。
    2. Identify your key message and supporting arguments. 明确需要传达的主要信息及其支持的论据。
    3. Enliven your talk with a hook and other engaging content. 用引人入胜的手法或有趣的内容带动整个演讲。
  2. Practice. 练习。
  3. Present. 演讲。


Process Improvement 流程优化

  1. Select a process to improve. 选择需要优化的流程。
  2. Examine that process for problems. 考察这个流程的问题。
  3. Decide how to change the process. 决定如何改变流程。
  4. Acquire resources to make the changes. 为改变获得资源支持。
  5. Carry out the changes. 作出改变。
  6. Evaluate the new process. 评价新流程。


Project Management 项目管理

  1. Choose tradeoffs carefully. 谨慎权衡。
  2. Document what you are doing. 记录每一个步骤。
  3. Define the critical path (the longest sequence of all tasks through the project). 确认关键路径(整个项目所有任务排列起来最长的顺序)。
  4. Build in quality control. 建立质量控制体系。
  5. Incorporate learning as you go. 边走边学。


Retaining Employees 挽留员工

  1. Ask employees for feedback. 向员工询问反馈。
  2. Create great work environments. 创造优秀的工作环境。
  3. Create great jobs. 创造优秀的工作。


Strategic Thinking 战略性思考

    1. Set the stage: 建立背景:
      1. Use your corporate strategy as a key criterion when you weigh decisions. 使用企业战略作为抉择时的首要标准。
      2. Evaluate how your decisions affect others in your organization. 衡量决定会如何影响组织内的他人。
      3. Look beyond your organization to your customers, competitors, and industry. 考虑组织之外亦需要考虑顾客、竞争对手以及行业。
    2. Apply your strategic thinking skills: 应用战略性思考的能力:
      1. Identify relationships, patterns, and trends. 辨明关系、模式以及趋势。
      2. Think creatively. 创造性思维。
      3. Analyze information. 分析信息。
      4. Prioritize actions. 行动放在首位。
      5. Make tradeoffs. 作出权衡。


Strategy Execution 执行战略

  • Two critical requirement for success: 成功的两个关键要求:
    1. Your resources. 所掌握的资源。
    2. Your dependency on other groups. 能依赖的团队。
  • Five guidelines to stay on track: 正确执行的五个方法:
    1. Keep track of progress toward your group’s goals. 为团队向目标进发的过程作出记录。
    2. Recognize that even the most carefully thought-out action plans will need to be adjusted. 承认即使是最细心的行动纲领都需要进行调整。
    3. Clarify how much autonomy people have in carrying out their responsibilities. 明确团队成员在执行人物是的主动权有多大。
    4. Communicate the importance of the company’s strategy and your team’s role in executing it. 说明公司战略的重要性,以及团队在其中的角色。
    5. Ensure that teams and individuals know exactly how their success is being measured. 确保团队及其成员明白成功的衡量标准。


Stress Management 压力管理

  1. Evaluate the situation. 评估现状。
  2. Make a plan. 制定计划。
  3. Take direct action — or, if you cannot affect the situation, mentally let it go. 马上行动——如果现状已经无法扭转,让它去吧。


Team Leadership 团队领导力

  1. Recruit the right members. 招聘合适的人选。
  2. Articulate a clear goal. 说明明确的目标。
  3. Foster commitment to the goal. 营造团队的责任心。
  4. Ensure collaboration. 确保合作。


Team Management 团队管理

  1. Build team identity. 建立团队身份。
  2. Encourage clear communication. 鼓励明确的沟通。
  3. Monitor the effectiveness of team leadership. 关注团队领导力的作用。


Time Management 时间管理

  1. Analyze how you spend your time. 分析自己如何使用时间。
  2. Recognize and defeat common time wasters. 明确并战胜平常耗时的事情。
  3. Set up and monitor your schedule. 建立并持续关注自己的行程表。


Virtual Teams 虚拟团队

  1. Clearly define the team’s goals. 清楚明确团队的目标。
  2. Establish communication guidelines. 建立沟通指引。
  3. Document expectations about processes. 记录对每个流程的期望结果。
  4. Use coaching to improve performance. 使用指导来提升表现。


Writing Skills 写作技巧

  1. Prepare to write. 准备写作。
  2. Write a first draft. 写出初稿。
  3. Polish and revise as necessary. 根据需要修改并改进。



自己之前没有系统接触管理学;而管理,目前自己的理解是确保事情按照既定的轨道去行走。理想状态下的管理应该是能够 on time, of quality, within budget; 不过现实也是诸多阻碍,能够做到这样需要作出许多权衡。


About the author


双子座 AB 型,资深女校男生

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双子座 AB 型,资深女校男生

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